Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Let My People Mow


Yep, I'm gonna go there.

So I said in my welcome message that you might see some political stuff here, so here's my attempt at it. Although I see immigration as more of a common sence issue than a political issue.

Our admirable and competent leaders in Washington (whoa sorry, type-o) pulled some bill out of their asses, supposedly the 'cure-all' bipartisan solution to our immigration problem. Where the hell it came from I'm not sure, as I'd heard nothing in the media about it before it was actually drafted. Which seems odd to me as we get play-by-play coverage of war funding bills before the ink ever hits the paper.

No, I haven't read the bill because I don't have time to go over 300 - 1,000 pages (depends on which media source you get it from), and don't we have people who are supposed to do that job for us? Like, voted for them.

But my general understanding of it is that it gives illegal immigrants a "path to citizenship", charges them a fine, and allows more fencing to be built on the border.

A 'path to citizenship', how come thier first path to citizenship was climbing through a section of broken chainlink fence in the middle of the night, but now we put some flowery term on it and everyone seems to forget one thing. THATS NOT OK, AND YOU SHOULDN'T BE REWARDED FOR IT.

Charging them a fine. Because obviously breaking into our Country illelgally is the equivelant to speeding. Just pay a fine.

How many illegal ailens do you think just have five grand laying around? Maybe there's a nice retirement account they can take a loan out against at the cabbage farm.

What happens if they don't pay the fine? How long do they have to pay it?

How come all of our immigrants from Kenya had to wait in line for years and work their asses off and leave their families behind, hoping to be able to bring them someday, couldn't just smuggle their kids inside a railcar and pay $5,000 for their citizenship?

More fence on the border. You mean like all the other fence that has been approved by not built yet? I want an israili-type fence, with two barriers, razor wire, and zone sensors. With freshly drug sand strips on either side.

Why are we even bothering to work on this 'path to citizenship' thing when we haven't secured our border yet? It's like trying to pail water our of a boat with a hole in it, except we're not even pailing the water out. If we're so afraid of terrorism then why do we still allow them an obvious way onto American soil?

I know, unless I just openly welcome our new compadres with open arms and thank them for doing jobs that Americans are too lazy to do (funny, I mowed lawns and pounded nails), then I'm just a hate-mongering racist. I'm just afraid of the 'brown tide' as Geraldo Rivera put it.

(Only coverage of the brown tide I could find on Google)

No, I don't hate them because they're Mexican, or is it Latino (does saying Mexican make me a racist too?)

But if you look around and see who the people are that are coming into this country illegally, it's not the Kenyans, it's not the Asains, it's not the Canadians. If it were the Canadians, would I still be a racist because I hate white people then?

I know that, by and large, they come into this country so they can work. So they can put food on their family's table. So they can have a better life because their country sucks!

I don't want to turn people away because they are hungry.

But come on!

Immigration offences are an administrative law that we've just decided we weren't going to enforce. And now, however many years later, we're standing in a pool of our own mess.
Is mass deportation the answer?
Is it humaine or even do able?
I don't know, but my gut says probably not.
You want a solution?
Seal the border and then we can talk about what we should do with the thousands of illegals we already have now.
Maybe I'd like congress's proposal a little more if they'd take some steps to ensure we weren't having this same damn debate again (eg. the 80's)
Maybe I'd like it a little better if Ackmed Abdullah-Abdullah Muhommed couldn't just buy a plane ticket to Mexico, hop in the back of a rider truck and use his mexican issued instructional phamplet to pretty much sneak right into Texas.
After all, they all look the same to me (that's just the kind of biggoted pig I am).
Don't talk to me about what to do with them, and what kind of amnisty (or I'm sorry, 'path to citizenship') we're going to give them untill our southern border looks like the outside barrier of Levenworth Prison. Then I'll have a little faith.
When our same government that tells us that we have to fight the terrorists over there so we don't have to fight them over here, also leaves us volnrable to invaison from they south in the name of cheap labor or to gain a minority vote, thats just plain wrong.
And no, I'm not saying it's the Mexicans (or Latinos, or Hispanics, whatever the hell) that are a terror threat to this country. But if they can just run across our southern border in the middle of the night then who else can?
Please post your opinions below, or if you think I just compared your landscaper guy to Osama Bin Laden, click here.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Cheese slides off the ol' cracker


Hear me out before you shake your head and make me a tin foil helmet.

I think ghost hunting is cool and I'd like to do it someday.


Maybe I'm just jumping on the T.A.P.S. bandwagon, but I watch it, and shows like it. i watch 'A Haunting', I've Googled Ghost Hunters. I think that one show with the weirdo English psycics running around the catacombs and becoming possed by old world pedophiles is a load of crap though, so don't give up on me yet.
I've been interested in this stuff since I was a kid, and no, I don't think everything you can't see, touch, or explain is a 'ghost', I don't think my toilet is possesed by the spirit of L. Ron Hubbard,
but I do think some of this stuff is out there. Maybe not in the over-sensationalized and exploited way we are all used too seeing on TV and hearing about. But it think it's atleast a possibillity.
In the last couple of decades, Ghost hunter groups, or paranormal investigators, to be more correct, have sprung up all over the country. Sure some of them are running around old high school gym shower rooms with holy water and magic crystals, with a "psycic" in tow, looking for an apparition of the mud monster from scooby-doo. Yes, there are a few like that out there, but by and large most of these groups are credible.
They go into a reported haunting with tools to gather data with.
Digital recorders
EVP monitors (measures electromagnetic current)
Controlled experements.
And they go over evidence they collect and try to debunk what could be being caused by something else. They compile their information, and issue a report on their findings.
Sometimes they find some neat things, sometimes they don't.
One of these groups is right here in Iowa (Actually, there are several groups, they just oporate under a common thread) IPART.

I've checked them out, it's pretty cool
I really wanted to get involved. And hope to in the near future.
(Opted not too right now cause of time restrictions at home, but really want to)
Tell me what you think. I think this is a very credible feild of study.
Again, tell me what you think, am I out there? Or do you atleast aknowlege the fact that this stuff goes on? Hell, I'll even take ghost stories.
If you're now concerned that I might live in your neighborhood, and you're going to lock your windows tonight, click here http://hatemailforbreck.blogspot.com/

Some lady had an accident

Stephanie Jennings had an accident (click the link, scroll down)

My mom used to have a pekingese when I was little.

I'm so going to hell now